
Bazelon, Less & Feldman, P.C. is a Pennsylvania professional corporation. We welcome you to our website and ask that you read this disclaimer in full, as it contains important information.

In some states, information such as is contained on this website constitutes advertising. The information contained in Bazelon Less & Feldman, P.C.'s website is intended as general information only, and not as specific legal advice or opinion, or an invitation for representation or an advertisement or solicitation.

The communication of information to, and the receipt of information from, this site and those connected with maintaining this site does not and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. This website should not be viewed as an offer to perform legal services in any jurisdiction other than those in which Bazelon, Less & Feldman's attorneys are licensed to practice.

Users should be aware that until they have spoken with one of our attorneys who has completed a conflict check and established an attorney-client relationship, email communication cannot be treated as privileged or confidential and even then may require appropriate security. Neither our presentation of the information on the site nor your receipt of the information creates a lawyer-client relationship or imposes any obligation on Bazelon, Less & Feldman, P.C. Similarly, email communication through this firm and telephone messages will not create an attorney-client relationship with Bazelon, Less & Feldman, P.C. or any of its attorneys, nor will the Firm assume a duty of confidentiality with respect to any such communications that are received.

Visitors to this site should not act on the information found at this site, but should seek professional legal counseling relating to his/her specific matter(s). While attorneys at the Firm would be pleased to speak with interested parties, the firm is not interested in representing anyone who is selecting counsel based only on the information contained at this site if this information does not comply with the legal and ethical requirements of the reader's state or country.

While efforts are made to provide accurate information, there are no warranties or guarantees whatsoever as to the currentness, completeness, suitability, or applicability to a particular situation. Results are dependent upon the facts of a particular case, and therefore do not constitute a guarantee or assurance of future results in another case. In certain cases, past or present clients may be mentioned, however, that should not be construed as a testimonial or endorsement of Bazelon, Less & Feldman, P.C.


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